Saturday, April 18, 2009

Capra "Office"

So I couldn't think of anything interesting to talk about and there isn't any huge blog-worthy news from Capra right now, so I though I'd share some pics of where I run Capra.
Super small and cramped but that's how it is. 

Anyways, here's my desk where I draw, design, do business, whatever.

Just got more shelves, except they're too small. But I'm expecting some new hats and tees soon so I had to get something and I didn't have enough money to get the bigger one.

Main shelves, where all the current tees are, printer, even some sneak peaks as to what extras will be coming with each order. Believe me, there's a lot more!

Finally, preview of some prints I've been working on in spare time. They're all spray painted using Montana on thin white canvas. Been using Montana now for a couple months. They're amazing! Love the huge range of caps.
Anyways, hope that was semi-interesting. Promise I'll have better posts soon. Just wait til we launch! Things will pick up for sure.


  1. I love to see the "offices" of other small t-shirt companies... very cool!

    -Loren, Beetnik Aesthetics

  2. yeah. i do too. I was hoping it would be interesting to someone haha
